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Cd (musik)
1 cd, hybrid SACD, 1 kommentarbilag
78.424:3 (Klaver og strygere. Orgel og strygere)
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Trio for klaver, violin og violoncel, a-molTrio for klaver, violin og violoncel, g-mol, opus 3
Indspillet i Konzerthaus der Abtei Marienmünster, Tyskland 2019...
Musikproduktion Dabringhaus und Grimm
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The gramophone, 2019 October
"The Vienna Piano Trio already have a live recording of Ravel's masterpiece in their portfolio ... But their latest venture adds finesse, maturity and lucidity, as well as warmer recording, to an already finely honed interpretation. There is a great sense of architecture within each movement ... With its dense textures and heightened drama, Chausson's Franck-inspired Trio makes a great pairing. There are some breathtaking lyrical moments in the violin and cello here, and the rich piano figuration never feels laboured ... A finely played and recorded disc"
Fono Forum, 2019 Oktober
"CDs des Monats: Das Zusammenspiel ist so fein austariert und aufeinander abgestimmt ... Die Phrasen sind mit einer rhetorischen Prägnanz modelliert, wie man sie im französischen Repertoire sonst eher selten erlebt. Aber das bekommt der Musik sehr gut, auch im weniger bekannten Klaviertrio von Ernest Chanson. Das 1881 entstandene Werk fesselt mit seiner komplexen Harmonik und einem Gespür für kantable Melodien"
BBC music magazine, 2019 October
"It seems to me that the Vienna Piano Trio, recorded in a generous but not too cloudy acoustic, capture the work's character well: their performance has a natural flow which yet conveys its musical substance and emotional import. There's also a sense of larger paragraphs being presented"