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Cd (musik)
1 cd, 1 kommentarbilag
klassiske symfonier
78.411 (Orkestermusik uden soloinstrumenter)
Also sprach Zarathustra, opus 30Burleske for klaver og orkester, d-mol
Live-optagelse, Herkulessaal der Residenz, München, Tyskland 10.-13. oktober 2017...
BRmedia Service
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Richard Strauss og Alpesymfonien
Bliv klogere på senromantikeren og hans store, symfoniske naturværk
AllMusic, 2020
"Guest pianist Daniil Trifonov joins Jansons and the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra in the Burleske, and they give it a first-rate virtuoso treatment, but this disc is primarily the orchestra's showcase, and no piece shows off this orchestra's brilliance more effectively than Also sprach Zarathustra"
AllMusic, 2020
Diapason, 2020 avril
Vurdering: 5/5
MusicWeb international, 2020 February
"The Sunrise section, although immediately striking and highly significant, is only a small part of the whole score. Overall Jansons delivers a beautifully moulded performance, with satisfying playing that demonstrates his renown as a Straussian. Showing their absolute affinity for the music, the Bavarian players are clearly relishing every second. A distinctive warm Straussian lyricism is evident throughout. Conspicuous here is the section The Convalescent, where Jansons generates an impressive climax of substantial power. Of special note are the concertmaster's lovely violin solos, the radiant tone of the strings and the woodwind detail"
MusicWeb international, 2020 February
BBC music magazine, 2020 May
"Underwhelming organ in the introduction aside, this is a passionate, detailed 'Also Sprach'. Jansons, as usual, is in total command. Daniil Trifonov sparkles in the 'Burleske' - a concerto in all but name"
Klassisk, 2020, nr. 57
"Also sprach Zarathustra - blot halvandet minut varer solopgangen under Mariss Jansons dirigentstok og Det Bayeriske Radioorkester, men hvilke minutter af musikalsk storhed! ... Mariss Jansons gør alt, hvad han kan, for ikke at tabe energien og give musikken liv i de resterende satser. Det er et vanskeligt arbejde, selvom der er mange lyspunkter imellem ... Som bonus får man et ungdomsværk ... 'Burleske' ... Det er den eminente klaverekvilibrist Daniil Trifonov på tangenter, der i sig selv løfter det meste ... Timingen bliver præcis og musikalsk"
Fono Forum, 2020 Juli
"Man hört hier eine breit-gelassene, in ruhiger Weite entfaltete Darbietung mit langen Steigerungsbögen, die bei allem Respekt vor den pikanten - und von den Orchestersolisten brillant und gefühlstief dargebotenen - Details einen Zug in meditativ Betrachtende hat. Da wird Strauss' Tondichtung weniger von der patetisch-Theatralischen Aussen - als von ihrer Innenseite her gesehen"